Digital Marketing training programme

Digital Marketing training programme

one day paid training programme on “Digital Marketing” will be organized by EDII on 30.10.2018, from 10.00 pm to 5.00 pm at EDII, Parthasarathy Koil Street, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Ekkaduthangal, Chennai . Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (EDII) of Tamil Nadu ( ), (An autonomous society of the Government of Tamil Nadu), is committed to promote entrepreneurial eco system in the State. Government of Tamilnadu had launched New Entrepreneurs-Cum-Enterprise Development Scheme (NEEDS) in the year 2013-14 to assist first generation entrepreneurs. So far 3891 entrepreneurs have been assisted under NEEDS. In addition, Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) and Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP) also have helped thousands of businesses to emerge. Enabling small businesses to scale up their business requires them to adopt modern methods of doing business, including digital payments, marketing, etc.

Existing entrepreneurs may attend the programme and avail the benefit. Interested candidates (Male/Female) above 18 years of age with 10th std passed candidates may apply. This programme will help micro and small entrepreneurs to learn and implement various methods of digital marketing. Interested candidates may register their names with EDII, Website. The following telephone/mobile numbers may be contacted on working days (Monday – Friday) between 10 A.M. to 05.45 P.M for further information: Pre-registration required Contact details: Entrepreneurship Development Institute SIDCO Industrial Estate Parthasarathi Koil Street, Ekkaduthangal, Chennai-600032 044-22252081 / 22252082 8668102600