International Exhibition of Animal Cartoons – ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN
Ramki is Wedding Cartoons Specialist in Chennai and organizing An International Exhibition of Animal Cartoons – ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN – in association with Animal Cartoon Portal of Cartoonist Mr.Spiro Radulovic of Serbia.
The exhibition willbe held from Jan 6-9, 2017 from 11am to 7 pm at Rajan Eye Care Hospital, 5, Vidyodaya 2nd St., (Near Valluvar Kottam Signal). T. Nagar, Chennai 600017.

Animal Cartoon portal based in Serbia had organized an International Cartoon Congest on the subject of Zoological Garden and Indian Institute of Cartoonists supported it. The portal has already announced the results and has organized an exhibition of selected cartoons in Belgrade and the best 50 entries of the Contest will be exhibited at Chennai.
Animal Cartoon portal is a brain child of Mr. Spiro Radulovic, an animal enthusiast. The main aim of the portal is to protect the animals and make people aware of the importance of cartoons in Society. He is MD. PHD from Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade has retired as a Professor of Microbiology and Parasitology. He has developed the art of cartooning as a hobby since his childhood and more than 10000 of his cartoons have been published so far in the domestic and international magazines. He has organized many individual cartoon exhibitions in New York, Sophia, Pula, Belgrade & other eur0pean cities. He won more than 50 awards in the field of cartooning. He is working as a Cartoonist, Illustrator and Edtor of the weekly magazine ILLUSTROVANA POLITIKA in Belgrade and as Director of portal ANIMAL CARTOON.