1st International Yoga Day – 21st June 2015
Sri Lakshmi Ammaal Engineering College, Chennai -126

The Staff and students of SLAEC observed the 1st International Yoga day – 21st June 2015.
- The “Welcome Address” was given by Ms. Sheryl Nivya, AP / EEE greeting the Chief guests. Inspiring speech and practices were given by the Yoga Practitioners Mr. N. Sundaresan , Mr. Subramaniam, Ms. K. Geetha and Team, from Manavala Kalai Mandram, MVKM Trust, Madambakkam, Chennai – 126
- They gave a demo in the Seminar Hall for the girl students.
- Mr. A. Kamal, HOD / EEE, explained and demonstrated the Yogasanas for the boys and staff members in the Auditorium. The best participants were selected and prizes awarded with certificates. The best participants were:
- Senkottaiyan / Final year / CIVIL
- Gopikrishna / Final year / CSE
- Dinakaran / Final year / CSE
- Revathy / Final year / ECE
- Manimala / 3rd year / EEE
- An Exhibition on Yoga, depicting the various asanas, was organized in the Auditorium & Seminar Hall by Mr. N. Yuvaraj, AP / CSE
- An “Online Essay Competition” was conducted by Ms. M. Selvi, AP / CSE and Mr. N. Yuvaraj, AP / CSE. The 15 essays received online from students through slaecyoga@gmail.com, were judged by the Chief Guests and the first three prize winners mentioned below were rewarded:
I Prize: S. Thangarajesh / Final year / CSE / SLAEC
II Prize: R. Sharmila / 2nd EEE / SLAEC
III Prize: K. Sruthi /3rd ECE / SLAEC
- The Chief Guests were honoured with Mementos and the program concluded with the National Anthem.
Welcome address given by Ms.Sheryl Nivya AP/EEE.
Overview about the” yoga” given by Mrs.K.Geetha
Demo given by yoga practitioners-Mr.subramaniam & team