Spinal cord injury awareness day

spinal cord injury awareness day 2018

spinal cord injury awareness day 2018

 செப்டம்பர் 5-ஆம் நாள் தண்டுவட காயங்கள் விழிப்புணர்வு

Spinal cord injury awareness day 2018

Spinal cord injury day awareness campaign

Do you know that there are 2,50,000 to 5,00,000 people are suffering to spinal cord injuries every year worldwide?
And most of the cases are preventable (i.e.) due to accidents !! Yes road accidents contribute more to the spinal cord injuries which shows the importance of Helmet & Seatbelt while driving.

Spinal cord injury awareness day Spinal cord injury awareness day

Spinal cord injury awareness day Spinal cord injury awareness day

Spinal cord injury awareness day Spinal cord injury awareness day

On the occasion of World Spinal Cord Injury Day, Team Thozhan organized On- road awareness campaign with spinal cord injured warriors who themselves come on road and created awareness to the public about the importance of safety gears while driving.