Syndicate Bank News

Syndicate Bank kick-started the multi-level consultative workshops for Ideation

Syndicate Bank kick-started the multi-level consultative workshops for Ideation.

Workshop is being organized in line with Ministry of Finance for idea generation at grass-root level across 4063 Branches.


Syndicate Bank today kick-started the consultative workshops for idea generation at grass root level. The objective of the workshops is to provide bottom-up approach to stimulate the ideation process at the Bank. The ideas had to aim at optimizing banking by increasing use of technology and aligning banking with the national priorities.

The exhaustive workshop is being attended by all branch heads / field functionaries from Chennai region. The ideation and consultative process is being initiated at branch level then taken up to city level then to region followed by state and finally National level. The bottom-up approach is being adopted for full inclusiveness so as to ensure the services are delivered on a proactive mode. As the bank has already geared up for more technological advancements, these discussions are going to add fuel on its journey of commitment towards customers.

The workshops will begin by reviewing of bank’s performance in last five years across various business divisions to identify area specific issues and growth potential. An in-depth ideation process will be undertaken to assess and improve various functions of banking that would create a roadmap for bank’s future. These functions will include digital payments business, credit for country’s MSME, use of technology, retail lending, agriculture credit and corporate governance in the bank.

A strong importance will be given to aligning banking with national priorities which include evaluation of bank on parameters like credit support for economic growth & infrastructure, Housing for all, empowering women, Swachh Bharat, MSMEs & Mudra, education loan, technology, financial inclusion, contribution towards improving farmer’s income, contribution towards digital economy, corporate social responsibility, etc.

“Syndicate Bank has always kept country’s economic growth as the objective while formulating any new initiatives. These workshops are testament of that commitment only. It is my pleasure to address senior bankers present at the Chennai region. As a team we are serious and dedicated at undertaking these ideation sessions as directed by Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance. Brainstorming sessions are being mobilized across all 4063 branches of the bank where senior bankers are aim at generation of ideas that keep national priorities and customer service as importance,” said Mr. S. Krishnan, Executive Director, Syndicate Bank.

A comprehensive report of the suggestions and ideas generated at these workshops will be shared with the core team at the bank which will then be considered for drawing the roadmap for the bank and implementation of policies across different banking functions and services.