ARIVUKKAN eco Science magazine organised a one day workshop

Water – Contamination & Purification

Water – Contamination & Purification

Purasawalkam Dr.Gupta’s Dental Specialities Centre and ARIVUKKAN eco Science magazine organised a one day workshop for NGC / Eco teacher coordinators of Chennai East and chennai North District Teacher Coordinators in Kerala Vidyalayam School, Purasawalkam as a part of creating awareness among teacher coordinator for the 10th year.

Dr.M.S.Chandra Gupta Chief Surgeon demonstrated the brushing techniques, dos and Don’ts of daily brushings , easy ways for a better smile etc in the presence of Mr.K.L. Loganathan, Hellocity TV ,G.Thangaraj, Dist coordinator and Mrs,Shobana of Fastrack.

Mt.Magesh demostrated the easy ways to purify water with a power point presentation and compared the traditi onal  ways and the modern methods. Mr.Manian explained the usage of Solar Energy devices and the current techno logies.

Earlier Mr.Loganathan , HM. Satheesh and Mr.Raja sekaran honured the teachers with Sutru Soozhal Seya Veerar Award for their performances in Eco club activities in their schools for the past 5 years..Environmental awareness eco stalls and herbal saplings were displayed as part of the workshop.

ARIVUKKAN eco Science magazine organised a one day workshop
ARIVUKKAN eco Science magazine organised a one day workshop