Dr Mehta’s Hopsitals

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Chronic Kidney Disease on the rise in ChildrenNephkids 2018

Health Life style care necessary for the Precious Pair


Dr. Mehta’s the 85 yrs old, leading tertiary care  Hospital & Centre of Excellence for Pediatric Nephrology, under the leadership of Dr. B.R. Nammalwar, (Director), Dr. Prabha(HOD) &  Dr Sudha Ekambaram, ( Senior Consultant ) organized  “Nephkids” Programme, which was attended by about 230 general Paediatricians in Chennai recently. The role of the Paediatric Nephrologists to have healthy journey of kidneys from womb to tomb through diaper stage till their graduation &“Prevention is better than cure – motto of Paediatric Nephrologists” was well taken. The kidneys are amazing Organs that perform the essential function of removing waste products from the blood and regulating the water fluid levels to keep us healthy. When the kidneys are not working well, waste builds to high levels in the blood, causing symptoms such as excessive tiredness, fatigue, poor appetite, vomiting, poor nutritional health, growth failure and either passing no urine at all or passing excessive amounts of urine, more at night. Rarely they present as high blood pressure, unexplained anaemia, bony deformities, early morning swelling of face, hands and feet. These problems may happen slowly over a long period of time, often without overt symptoms. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) eventually leads to severe kidney failure that requires dialysis or a kidney transplant to maintain life.  

Chronic kidney disease (CKD):  

CKD has doubled in the last 15 years. Over 1 million people including Children worldwide are alive on dialysis or with a functioning graft and will require Renal Transplant. In India alone about 229 children per million go into terminal kidney failure every year. In India 90% patients cannot afford the cost. Kidney disease ranked 3rd amongst life threatening disease in India after cancer and heart disease. They are 12th cause of death and 17th cause of disability respectively.

Risk factors for developing CKD differ between races and countries

Many children as sequelae to acute kidney injury will develop hypertension and chronic kidney disease later in childhood or adult life.

Use of Antenatal Foetal Ultrasound:  As Chronic  kidney  disease  in  children  is  caused  by  congenital abnormalities . In regions  where  antenatal  foetal  ultrasounds  are  routine,  many  children  with  urologic  abnormalities  are  identified  before  birth,  permitting an early intervention. This is yet not in Practice in many places. They are identified much later till CKD is severe and symptoms developed.


  • Recurrent poorly treated urinary tract infections
  • Conditions that damage the filtering units of the kidneys called as glomerular diseases.
  • Currently Overweight and obesity which is endemic and increasing rapidly, greatly increases the risk of developing, diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and chronic kidney disease.

Kidney function is to be checked in the event of one or more of the ‘high risk’ factors.

  • Premature, Low Birth weight babies,     Congenital anomalies of kidneys
  • Repeated Urinary tract infection, Diabetes, Hypertension, Obese
  • Renal stones, One of your parents or family members suffer from kidney disease

If chronic kidney disease is detected early and managed appropriately, the deterioration in kidney function can be slowed or even stopped, and the risk of associated cardiovascular complications can be reduced.

Test: Kidney disease can easily be diagnosed with a simple and cheap urine routine and blood pressure check most of the times.

Prevention: It is necessary to recommend urine examination and blood pressure measurement for all children before entering school, during adolescent period and an annual check-up after the age of 30yrs.

For further info call Dr. Sudha Ekambaram, Dr. Mehta’s Hopsitals, 94444 32677