Indulge in Choco Caramel Cake with your Best Friend this Friendship Day 2018
CK’s Bakery, Chennai’s youngest chain of bakeries is all set to celebrate best friends by offering its irresistible Choco Caramel cake this 5th August 2018. This much loved 1 kg cake is a scrumptious blend of Chocolate and Caramel goodness and has been created intricately to offer all the BFF’s out there a ‘melt in mouth’ experience.
Developed by a team of expert chefs and keeping the friendship theme in mind the cake truly depicts how two different flavors like chocolate and caramel can make a ‘Friendly’ combination. The Choco Caramel cake consists of whipped cream and rich caramel slathered on the top of a chocolate sponge cake while an additional layer caramel glaze and caramel cream are further applied to the cake. To top it off, lines of chocolate are created to overlap each other while four delicious square slivers of chocolate truffle are placed on the top corner of the cake and decadent chocolate chips have been sprinkled on the sides to create that final touch.”
The Choco Caramel cake will be available at all CK’s Bakery outlets across Chennai and priced at Rs. 444/-.For more details, kindly call: +91 9940679692