Internationally renowned Population Expert and Chairman of Frank Moraes Foundation Chevalier Dr .K. Thiagarajan has been appointed as President of United Writers’ Association during the 43rd Annual General Body Meeting held recently.
During his chequered career spanning for over four and half decades, Dr. Thiagarajan Is the only office-bearer in the rank and file of Executive Committee and General Body having Served the organisation in various capacities such as Asst. Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Secretary-General and organised scores of Seminars and Symposia and made the organization As the largest and biggest Writers’ Federation in our country. He has also inspired hundreds Of young writers, moulded thousands of budding writers and guided a number of Organisations in the State and outside. As an proven administrator, he was not satisfied with working in a limited sphere and sought to come to grips with the varied problems of Individual and collective life.
Dr.Thiagarajan is also credited with organising the distinguished FRANK MORAES MEMORIAL LECTURES for over three and half decades and eminently succeeded in his Industrious journey by inviting eminent intellectuals for over 34 years to deliver the Memorial Lectures in the distinguished memory of the doyen of Indian Journalism – the late Frank Moraes – which has proved to be an ecstasic event of experience – more enthralling, enlivening, enchanting, entertaining and enriching.
A multi-disciplinary scholar articulating in search of nuances in various realms of Knowledge and an evangelist for ushering and radicalising leadership qualities and indeed Any amount of epithet – be it scholar of eminence, teacher, researcher with international Exposure, holder of impeccable academic accolades, manager of academic programs nurturing High performance work environment, resounding organiser, creative global thinker fits admirably This eminent journalist whose innate vision and relentless quest for leveraging and infusing Sustainable vigour into the frontier and demystifying areas of research to catch global Standards has been always awe-inspiring as a dazzling diamond to the diadem of his Scholarship and erudition. Dr.Thiagarajan’s success project on “Skilling India-Transforming
Youth to Transform India”, “Unless you change, you cannot Change the World” has touched And transformed ten lakhs vibrant youth which echoes the reverberating aphorisms of Swami Vivekananda’s golden rhetoric words: “Give me one hundred youngsters and I will change the Course of Nation.
For over four decades and half, Dr.Thiagarajan in his extensive publications while Delineating inextricable constellation of arcane characters has often designed and enriched Several innovative programs for the marginalized poor, catalysing their growth including Imparting of education for tribal boys and girls and vividly demonstrated what a democratic Government could indeed accomplish within the framework of proverbial excellence. The recent Insignia conferred on the occasion of International Peace Prize proclaims that “Dr.Thiagarajan Is an outstanding example of one extraordinary man creating more extraordinary young people In an extraordinary manner.”
Dr.Thiagarajan has received more than 500 National and International honours including, The Presidential Award, Naraindoss Memorial Award, Prominent Citizen of South India Award, Educator Extraordinarie Award, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Award, Jawaharlal Nehru Award, American Hall of Fame Award, Sovereign Order of White Cross International Award, Knight of Humanity Honour, 5000 Personalities of the World Award, Distinguished Men of Achievement Award, Knight Grand Commander Honour from Confederation of Chivalry, Australia, Special Envoy Honour Award, Celebrity Champion Honour, Effulgent Star of the Decade Honour etc and several prestigious organisations and Universities at Hungary, Nepal, Norway, Australia, Japan, Bulgaria, Sweden, Belgium, Ireland, Poland, Brazil have conferred several academic honours and accolades to Dr.Thiagarajan richly lauded by leading literary luminaries the world over.
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