Seminar held @ at Periyar IAS academy
Seminar titled “Strategies & Approach to IAS examination” conducted for IAS aspirants on 6th January, 2016 at Periyar IAS academy
The seminar was conducted at ‘Maniammaiyar arangam’ at Periyar Thidal, Vepery. The seminar focused on the number of papers prescribed for the Prelims, and Mains, the syllabus to be covered and the study schedule that is needed to be planned for the preparation. The participants were exposed to real life situation of the examination by experts from the field and young IAS aspirants who have succeeded in the previous years.
Dr. Rajeswari Murugan, Director of the Periyar IAS Academy, welcomed the participants and highlighted the milestones achieved by Mr. N.K. Ragupathy I.A.S.(retd.) during his remarkable career and the dynamism of Dr. N. Ramachandran, Vice Chancellor, Periyar Maniammai University, Tanjavur in maintaining the quality in technical education and his passion for environmental protection and preservation. The participants were apprised of the coaching pattern of the Peiyar I.A.S. Academy.

Mr. Raghupathy I.A.S. (retd.), Chief Guest of the evening, who had held senior position as Chairman, Staff Selection Commission, New Delhi and other similar senior positions in the Ministry of Shipping, Ministry of Steel and Ministry of Culture, guided the students on the mental approach to be adopted for any competitive examination. He advised the students that they have to discard the mental blocks created by medium instruction, economical and social background, gender discrimination etc. He specially mentioned the efforts of Thanthai Periyar for his social reforms initiatives which made the rural and the oppressed to compete. They have to strive to acquire knowledge by focusing on the syllabus, transform acquired knowledge to performance through consistent practice. He said that the CSAT exam needs speed and accuracy to ensure success.
He also suggested that the youngsters are to have multi-tier career path while approaching the civil services exam. If they prepare for the civil services they can easily get through Group 1 Services of TNPSC, Staff Selection Commission exam, Banking Services and also into any of the central services such as IRS, Customs & Central Excise etc. They must have a motivator who can help them to accept failure and move forward for working to achieve success. He advised that they can choose any subject in which they have interest/ passion as optional but in-depth knowledge in the subject is needed for facing interview. He suggested that 8 to 10 mock tests are mandatory for CSAT. He said that belief in oneself can definitely transform one’s dream to performance and achieve the set goal. A specific time management plan is essential to remain focused and shared his experience with Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, former President of India when Dr. Kalam was working on the ‘Mangalyan Project’ as scientific advisor to the Prime Minister.
Dr. N. Ramachandran, Vice Chancellor, Periyar Maniammai University Tanjavur, in his Presidential address insisted that determination and dedication will ensure success. He advised the aspirants to work smartly. He inspired the students by emphasizing that the mental strength and the will to win accompanied by smart work are tools for success. He also advised the students that any deterring factors such as economic and social status, lack of English skill are to be knocked off and work diligently towards their aim. He quoted real life examples of differently abled persons who have succeeded in achieving their goal despite their handicap. Ms. Singal who was the topper in IAS during 2014, Ms. Binu Jebin selected for IFS the first visually challenged candidate and the case of Wilma Rudolf, a cripple by birth, an Afro American, succeeded in becoming Olympic Champion and won three Gold Medals in athletics in a single Olympics through self-determination, hard work, and the ability to acknowledge failure and through consistent practice.
Mr. Thirugnanasambandam, Director Operation, The Gateway International School shared his experience with I.A.S. toppers when he interviewed them for Times of India. He asked the aspirants to keep their ‘Why’ -their reason for aspiring for a career in the Civil Services strong for remaining focused in the preparation phase. As Prelims is an elimination process due to competition, the preparation needs to be smart.
This was followed by interaction with the participants and the experts cleared the doubts raised by them. The seminar was concluded with the vote of thanks by Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Coordinator, Periyar I.A.S. Academy.