SUGANTHA SARAVANAN is a research scholar from Anna University. She is an internationally certified brain trainer and an accredited NLP practitioner. Sugantha guides children through a series of brain training methodologies and innovative learning techniques to unlock their hidden skills. Her one-on-one brain training sessions have helped the kids to identify their individual capabilities and step up to the next higher level and speed up their mental processing ability. She has developed meta-cognitive strategies to suit individual’s brain patterns. The programs devised by Sugantha imparts a holistic development in kids. She is the founder and Director of SUGSAR EDUTECH PRIVATE LIMITED.
SUGSAR EDUTECH helps in strengthening the child’s cognitive skills. Their mental skills trainings are different. It provides the student a chance to get to the root of the problem and literally rebuild his or her ability to read and learn. A struggling student who is seeking to optimize academic performance must consider these trainings that are foundations to learning.
The seven core skills which are essential for grasping information are attention, working memory, logic and reasoning, visual processing, auditory processing, processing speed and long-term memory. These skills are tested to give them personal brain training. These trainings target at strengthening the kids cognitive skills and help them learn easier, faster and better. It provides exclusive learning strategies to improve their language, reading, comprehension and mathematical ability.
SUGSAR EDUTECH offers different training programs:
- One-on-One brain training is an academic enrichment program to improve kids memory and retention in academics.
- Integrated brain training program is exclusively for kids with Learning difficulties(LD), ADHD & Dyslexia.
- Maths centre of excellence is a one-on-one training program to improve numeracy skills.
- English centre of excellence is a one-on-one training targeted on reading, grammar and comprehension skills.
For more details contact Sugantha Saravanan @ 9841119644 / 044-42713651. Address: 9 (NewNo 17), Thiruvengadapuram first street, Choolaimedu, Visit: