Tamil stage play ‘Vydhiyar Maapillai’ on Herbal Medicine
Veteran R.S. Manohar’s Drama Troupe inaugurates their new Tamil stage play ‘Vydhiyar Maapillai’ on Herbal Medicine during the 26th Karthick Fine Arts Kodai Nataka Vizha at 6 p.m on Thursday, April 23 at Sathguru Gnanandha Hall, Narada Gana Sabha, Alwarpet.
- Shivpprasadh ,Proprietor said that ‘Vydhiyar Maapilai’ is highly informative play on herbalism, need to protect and treasure them.
He said that Kartik Fine Arts approved and selected the script to be staged with other selected 11 stage plays by various troupe between April 22 to May 3.

He said that the afore picturized letter head emblem was the last photograph posed by R.S. Manohar during the 3rd Birthday celebrations of daughter S. Sruuthi on 2.12.2005 which was the last function attended by him before his demise.
He said that very few people are aware of the fact that R.S. Manohar First started to stage only social plays in early 1950’s titled “Inba Naal (123 Shows), “Ulagam Siriradhu’(77 Shows), “Anbin Yellaie’(91 Shows) in which Selvi J. Jayalalithaa’s beloved mother Sandhya acted with RSM before graduating into Mythology & historical subjects.
He said that it is only in this paved path of RSM that I am following his footsteps with my first informative and educative social stage play “Vydhiyar Maapilai’.
This is the first time present RS Manohar’s drama troupe members would be performing live on a social platform from their most favourite mythological and historical stage platform.
Herbalist M Annajothi has written the story and script for this stage play. The director of this play is M.G. Murugesan who was in RS Manohar’s drama troupe.
For more details please contact Mr. Shivpprasadh 2834 4876.
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