TFSC Training Programmes

TFSC Training Programmes

 TANSTIA FNF Service Centre (TFSC) is a collaborative venture of Tamil Nadu Small and Tiny Industries Association (TANSTIA) and Friedrich NaumannStiftungfÜr dieFreiheit (FNF), Germany established in 1992 provides supportive services for MSMEs in the areas of consultancy, Training, Information and Handholding.

Towards this TFSC extends its facility to conduct training programmes / workshops / every month on varied subjects to benefit the public. It also renders customized training programmes / workshops both onsite as well as offsite. Certificate is provided on completion of programme.

For more details and registration contact TANSTIA-FNF Service Centre, B-22, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai-600 032. M: 97890 60133, E mail:, web:

  1. TFSC is organizing a six weeks Technology based Entrepreneurship Development Programme on Solar Technician supported by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. (Govt. Certificate will be issued)

(Eligiblity: Age: 18-40 years and possess a degree in any branch of Science/ Engineering or Technology / Diploma of at least 2/3 years in any branch from Govt. Recognized Institution. Number of participants is limited to 25 and registration is based on first-come-first-served basis)

  1. TFSC is organizing four weeks Women Entrepreneurship Development programme supported by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. The programme is open to students, Alumni, Faculty Members & Academicians, start-ups, Incubation Centres, SMEs, Accelerators and Entrepreneurs who are willing to Create, Teach & Build your own Enterprise or likely to be involved in Entrepreneurial related activities.

 (Eligibility: Age: 18-40 years and possess a degree in any branch of Science/ Engineering or Technology / Diploma of at least 2/3 years in any branch from Govt. Recognized Institution. Number of participants is limited to 25 and registration is based on first-come-first-served basis)


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