Velammal’s Young Scientist Master S. Siva Soorya of Std XI is crowned for his spectacular achievement in the launch of 64 gm, the least weight, Kalam 3D SAT Satellite in the orbit. A team of seven young scientists from different colleges and schools headed by Mr. Rifath Sharook, the lead scientist, joined hands in monitoring the growth of the Tulasi seed in the satellite as a part of research in space agriculture. This satellite was launched on
22nd June, 2017. The Government of Tamil Nadu bestowed a cash award of Rupees Ten Lakhs for their extra ordinary accomplishment. The proud members of this maiden attempt in space agriculture are Rifath Sharook – lead scientist, Tanisq, Vinay, Khasif, Yagna Sai, Gopinath and S. Siva Soorya (Velammal Main School). Under the leadership of Dr. Shrimathi Kesan (Space Kidz India).