Fake Samsonite Bags

Fake Samsonite bags seized

Over 223 fake Samsonite bags seized

Fake branded bags flood the city, Fake luggage bags are being dumped into the Chennai city market, while unsuspecting customers are falling prey. Recently, United States-based Samsonite, which deals with luggage bags, approached Chennai police by lodging complaints for copy rights violation, informing that fake bags are being sold in the market at various outlets in city.

Soon after which the Video Piracy Cell, CB CID, Chennai Unit II along with Enforcers of Intellectual property right (EIPR) raided few shops in Chennai’s T. Nagar area who were found selling fake branded bags which are worth thousands of rupees.

Cops on a tip off by EIPR raided the shops at Rameshwaram Road & Ranganathan Street, T. Nagar area of Chennai. Around 223 bags were seized from these shops. “It was found that fake back pack bags are being sold. These shop owners are harming the reputation of Samsonite and also cheating innocent customers by selling these duplicate bags,” said the official from EIPR who is representing Samsonite. Three people were arrested under U/s. 482, 486 & 420 of IPC.